Annual 10% increase in electric transportation
"Preserve nature's splendor for future generations; ESG policy is our guide to sustainability."
At Verwater, we believe in the power of together. As a leading industrial services company, we understand the impact our operations have on the environment and society. That is why we strive to embrace our responsibilities and integrate sustainability into all our business processes. Together, we are working toward a sustainable future.
In the year 2023, we took a big step toward a sustainability policy. The biggest pillar in this policy is the electrification of our entire fleet.
Learn more about our commitment to sustainability and how we can work together to create a world that is resilient, inclusive and livable for future generations. See below our goal, how we will achieve it and its impacts, and become part of our mission to make a positive change.
Curious about exactly what we did in 2023?
A CO2 reduction of at least 25% CO2 compared to 2019
If Verwater takes consistent measures every year, emissions can be reduced substantially. Assuming no change in turnover, the Emission Intensity Index expressed as turnover drops from 3.13 to 1.44.
Annual 10% increase in electric transportation
Annual 10% reduction in diesel use at workplace
Purchasing 15% more green energy annually
Annual 4% reduction in energy use
These are direct emissions of greenhouse gases from sources owned or controlled by the organization.
These are indirect greenhouse gas emissions from the generation of electricity purchased by the organization.
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