Foto MOT Veilig werken 1
May 31 2017

5 year accident-free on site at MOT

On May 2, 2017, MOT and thus MOVE, the alliance with Verwater, reached a milestone of five years accident-free on site. The MOT and MOVE team are grateful to everyone for their dedication and alertness that made this awesome result possible.

Of course this is an appropriate moment to celebrate and reflect this milestone but ... safety is too important to keep reflecting, so we have to keep moving on! That is why we are doing everything in our best to ensure that next year again we can celebrate another year without lost-time injuries at MOT. In 2017 we all make sure that our motto: "I work safely or I do not work at all" do not remain empty words. The most important thing for all is to have the same safety goals so everyone returns home safely and healthy at the end of the day.

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06 July 2024

Join us! 

Join us! Quite simply. Just because you feel like it! Putting your shoulders to the wheel together. Knowledgeable, hard-working, but also relaxing and enjoying together!

06 May 2024

Roll Out RDM

Last Thursday, the first five of the ten stainless steel tanks left our prefab shop. This was extensively celebrated with tasty and well-deserved snacks for the entire team that worked extremely hard on these tanks! As soon as the next five are ready, they will be delivered to our valued customer.